Friday, March 30, 2007

Anti-American Sentiment Grows Abroad

The following statistic was very disturbing to read:

"Forty-eight percent of Germans think the United States is more dangerous than Iran, a new survey shows, with only 31 percent believing the opposite. Germans' fundamental hypocrisy about the US suggests that it's high time for a new bout of re-education."
[that comes from Spiegel online]

That is the type of over-the-top anti-American fervor that we have come to expect from Al-Jazeera and the Middle East. Unfortunately, this comes from Germany, allegedly one of our "allies" on the world stage. I don't get it, have the Germans just become blind to what really is or isn't evil?

This ridiculous sentiment is prevalent here amongst the far left extremists, and apparently is becoming widespread across Europe as well. It seems that many people are blinded by their disagreement/dislike for President Bush, and let their common sense go the way of the dodo.

I have engaged people in discussions on several occassions about the war in Iraq, and the state of the U.S. in general. It is very disturbing to see how many people are locked into this view of America as the ultimate evil in the world. It may be due to the fact that if you repeat,or repeatedly hear over and over that "Bush is a terrorist" or "America is the true evil" maybe it gets ingrained in your head.

Many people seem to take disagreement with the war and turn it into HATRED for GWB. I don't get that, but the left-wing media feeds that hatred on a daily basis.

Sites like these do a fine job of exposing this bias in the media:

It seems like the days of robust debate and dialogue between people with differing ideas has long since passed. And as long as the mainstream media continues to shove their slanted view of the world on the public, the public hatred of the U.S. will continue to grow.

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