Friday, May 18, 2007

Miscellaneous from the past 30 days

Lots of things have happened since I last added an entry to the blog. The bane of folks with common sense, Rosie O'Donnell, is leaving The View...Bad news for two sports teams nicknamed Devils (Manchester United Red Devils and NJ Devils) as they both were eliminated in championship hunts...The New York Yankees on-field woes continued, but the announcement of the impending arrival of Roger Clemens was welcome news...and tomorrow yours truly clicks the personal odometer over another year as I mark my 34th year on God's green earth.

The Imus legacy continues as Opie & Anthony are suspended FROM SATELLITE RADIO for "offensive" humor. This sets a dangerous and ominous tone, in my opinion, satellite radio is NOT governed by the FCC and does not live and die by sponsors' money. It has recently become the home of extreme opinionated radio and outrageous humor...this suspension sets a bad tone for Howard Stern and the others who proudly call the satellite airwaves home.

In related news, the "crusade" by Al Sharpton into rap music lyrics is apparently still in planning stages. Reverend Al was kind of boxed into action due to his "outrage" at Don Imus' comments. Yet, to me this, too, is censorship and very scary for those who believe in free speech. Over 20 years ago, the PMRC forced warning labels onto music over the protests of many in the industry...yet now, it seems that is not enough, they want censorship. I did speak against how repetitious and boring rap music has become, but that does not mean it should be censored. Free speech does indeed seem to be under attack in many segments of society.

On a lighter note, I have finally "discovered" another good program to watch...Discovery Channel's "Mythbusters". On this show, the hosts, who are seasoned professionals in special effects, put urban myths to the test to see if they stand up. Recent tests included whether salsa can be used to break out of prison, and a favorite of mine tested the possibility of shooting the floor out from under yourself in order to flee, as seem in movies. This is a entertaining and informative show, and I found it by accident one night. I heartily recommend it.

The roller coaster ride that is the final season of The Sopranos continued last Sunday. With only three episodes left, there are many main characters with thousands of possibilities on what may happen can only imagine what David Chase has in store for us all this Sunday night at 9.
(I went out of my way not to disclose anything for those who have not seen the latest episode yet)

It is very nice for those of us who enjoy both dramas that after The Sopranos ends its run on June 10th...two days later on June 12th Rescue Me returns for another season...the drama withdrawal will be short-lived.